Individual Therapy
When emotional or circumstantial problems become overwhelming or interfere in your everyday life, Individual Therapy can help you get clear on the facts and on your thinking about them, separate your feelings from those facts, define a solid sense of Self, resolve dilemmas, face your fears, overcome the loss of a relationship or a dream, create new opportunities, recover your strengths, and enhance your quality of life while redirecting your life-course according to where you want to go.
At On Purpose Coaching and Counseling you can work on developing your Self and, subsequently, your personal growth in a supportive environment, a safe space, and you can feel hopeful about your future again.
Couples Therapy
Relationships can be so very satisfying and can bring great happiness to our life. Intimate relationships can provide the support we need to overcome the overwhelming hardships and difficulties we all experience from time to time.
However, all too often, couples feel frustrated and powerless when each other’s needs and concerns conflict, when communication breaks down, the blaming begins, and resentment turns to hurt, bitterness, and anger. Creating a mutually fulfilling partnership requires both individuals to be committed to the strengthening of the relationship.
Couples therapy provides a setting in which both partners can feel safe to examine their thoughts, feelings, and experiences - past and present - leading to a deeper awareness of each's own needs and the needs of others. In this environment you can clarify your thinking, get clear on who you are, what you want, and how you can give yourself what you most need, freeing your partner to be who they are comfortably and safely in relationship with you. You can learn skills that will enhance your relationship, promote intimacy, and sustain your commitment, while preserving your own individual identities.
You are individuals and you always will be. You will each always have your own individual ways to walk, but Couples Therapy can help you to discover that you will find your own way more clearly together with your partner than chances are either of you ever could have alone. Life in relationship is a dance; you have your part to play, and you can play it alone, but how much more beautiful is it when you do it together with the one you love?
Family Therapy
Your family is where you have learned how to be a human being, a functioning member of society, a thinking, feeling, and life-experiencing person. Your family can be your greatest source of support, acceptance, and love.
However, families are not always this way. Every family is dysfunctional in its own powerful, beautiful, and difficult way. Families can be torn apart by different parenting styles, teenage rebellion, domestic violence, addictions, divorce, death, chronic illness, or other difficulties that create tension, distress, and heartache.
There is help. It is called Family Therapy, which is just that: therapy for the family, the whole family, and everyone gets involved in the healing process.
Family Therapy can help you and your family understand and improve the way members interact with each other, navigate problems, strengthen relationships, and provide encouragement. Through Family Therapy you can heal emotional wounds, come to understand one another better, and restore a sense of belonging that you may not have experienced for quite some time. You can become the "self" you were intended to be, while healing, restoring, and enjoying your closest relationships - especially the ones that gave you life in the first place: your family.
There will always be wounds in living life in the world. Life can hard; the wounds can be deep. But they can also be clean.
Family Therapy makes space for families to be honest, to be kind, to show compassion, to work to understand one another better, to interrupt the blaming, to forgive, and to make peace, so that there will be no rankling unanswered questions among those you love. May we say and act and be now what we so wish we could become. Family Therapy may be just the help you need.
Wedding & Pre-Marital Counseling
Congratulations, and best wishes on your engagement and upcoming marriage! It is our pleasure to extend the therapeutic services of On Purpose Coaching and Counseling to those who are planning to join their lives in marriage. Those services include, but are not limited to: (1) Relationship Counseling; (2) Pre-Marital Counseling for Couples and/or Blended Families; (3) Officiating Weddings, and; (4) Mid-Marriage Counseling for those who are experiencing transitions in their lives, such as "empty nest syndrome" or retirement. In many cases, couples desire to mark special occasions with a renewal of vows.
Relationship Counseling
As a licensed therapist, Joe Hansen provides thoughtful, engaging therapy for persons who are in relationships and who want to make the most of those relationships for the enrichment of their lives.
Pre-Marital Counseling
Joe Hansen provides therapy for couples who are engaged to be married, and who want to explore areas of the relationship - and their part in it - in order to enter into that union in a healthier mental and emotional state.
Officiating Weddings & Civil Ceremonies
Because he is an ordained member of the clergy, Joe holds celebrants' rights, meaning he is privileged to preside over weddings in any state as the Officiant. He is willing to provide this service to persons of any religious or spiritual background (or persons with no such background at all). Joe is committed to helping couples experience the ceremony of their wishes, and will work with them to co-create an experience that will be satisfying, rich, and memorable.
Reaffirmation (or Renewal) of Vows
Like weddings, the reaffirmation of vows can be a very special time for couples and their families to experience the seasoned newness that long-lasting relationships can offer, allowing children and grandchildren to witness first-hand the love and commitment that two people share, while also serving as a time of renewal for a couple's life together.
Weddings require a significant amount of time and energy spent planning, preparing, and arranging. This is true for all couples. It is true, also, for those who officiate. Joe Hansen takes the time to get to know each couple, and to craft a ceremony that honors them and their love for one another.
You deserve the ceremony you have always dreamed of, and Joe will strive diligently to provide you with just that!
The fee for each wedding is $500, and includes:
Two (2) Pre-Marital/Couples Therapy (Fifty Minutes Each)
Presence & Leadership at the Rehearsal prior to the Ceremony
Officiating the Ceremony
Completing & Filing All Documentation to the State
One (1) Post-Ceremony "Check-in" Session Within the First Six Months